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Latest Update on Covid-19

Writer's picture: TFCTFC

Coronavirus: PM Jacinda Ardern outlines NZ's new alert system

Key points:

• Four-stage alert system for Covid-19 announced

• New Zealand moved up to Covid-19 alert level 2 – reduce contact

• New Zealanders over 70 and those with certain medical conditions told to stay at home as much as they can to reduce risk of contact with the virus. There are 528,000 people aged 70-plus in New Zealand

• Workplaces to implement plans to reduce person-to-person contact, including work from home where possible

• Limit all non-essential domestic travel

Ardern said schools would remain open for now unless there was a case in a school, and if so, it would be closed for 72 hours to be cleaned.

"We will continue to have food supply in New Zealand," she said, asking people again not to panic-buy.

Doing that could deprive others of an item critical to them, such as families that need formula.

"Shopping must continue as normal - even if we are at alert level four, supermarkets will be open"

"Do not panic-buy at pharmacies ... products will be available."

She said capacity to test for Covid-19 will be increased. About 1500 tests took place yesterday.

코로나 바이러스 정부 업데이트


- 코로나 바이러스 4단계 경보 발표했습니다.

- 뉴질랜드는 2단계로 접어 들었습니다.

- 70세 이상의 노인이나 노약자는 집밖 외출을 삼가하십시오.

- 일반 직장에서는 기존과 다른 근무 환경과 방법을 택하기를 권합니다. 중앙시스템의 경우를 제외하고는 재택근무를 시작하십시오.

- 쇼핑은 평상시처럼 하시기 바랍니다.

- 4단계 경보수위까지 올라가도위 수퍼나 약국은 정상적으로 영업할 것입니다. 패닉 쇼핑을 하지 않아야 모두에게 도움이 됩니다.

- 최대한 장거리 이동하는 것을 자제하십시오.

- 당장은 학교들을 닫아야할 상황은 아니지만 감염 사례가 있는 학교의 경우에 한해서 닫을 것입니다.

"두려워 마시고 서로에게 친절을 베푸십시오."

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